Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekly Up-Date 5/13-5/19 and In other news!

This is at the park where we will have our pictures taken! Cool!
Hey all!
Here's a quick recap of my week!

The most I've spent this past week was on: PRODUCE! I am loving all this delicious fruit in season! I'm trying to eat mainly fruits and veggies and so far I've done really well!

Today I'm thankful for: Our Savior, my husband and our family, and great friends!

Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did this week that made me happy was: walk my pup around our little neighborhood and see all the beautiful flowers and trees in bloom

I will consider this week a success if I: continue to learn the song I'm learning on the piano and get everything ready for this vow renewal!

In other news:
I'm learning this beautiful song and it has always been my favorite song since I was about 11.  Check out this girl playing it here : To Zanarkand 

So far I've walked 20 miles with my pup this month. I think we can manage another 10miles to reach our goal! 

My spray tan went well except for I had one hand EXTREMELY darker than the rest of my body! hahaha thank goodness that was just a test run! I know next time to use more baby wipes on my hands afterwards.  

My brother deployed again not too long ago, so please keep him in your prayers.

 Hope everyone had a great week! I will post more once it's June. I've been just too busy this month!

T-Minus 1 week!

Hey all!
This week and this coming week are going to be crazy! Our Vow Renewal is next Saturday and it's going to be a blast! There's just a few things left to do!

Today I'm going to look for a pair of shoes and getting my hair done. After the spray tan I got this past week (will have a post on this too), I decided to keep my light hair. Finishing the place cards and wedding album today. Whew! Today is going to be busy!

My mom flies in on Tuesday! I'm very excited to see how it will go. I really hope the past is truly behind us.

Well, I better get back to running errands! Ciao!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

This week has been a blast! (Weekly-Update)

Hey all! Things are going well here in Northeastern PA.

The weather is being a bit odd, hot, cold, rain, sunshine, thunderstorm, snow? Mother earth is having some mood swings.

Tuesday was Teacher's appreciation day and our sweet preschoolers have been bringing us flowers all week! How sweet is that? I love my job :)

They truly are the sweetest things :)

Here's my update for the week:

1) The most I've spent this last week was on:  clothes! I hardly ever go clothes shopping, so I don't feel bad about this. I went with one of my cousins to help her shop for her trip to Mexico at the end of this month, and decided to pick up a few things for myself too. American Eagle has a lot of adorable clothes and if you download their app (free) you get 20% off your entire purchase! Every time if you spend $75 or more. But wait! They let you use other discounts too! Military discount: 10% or any other discounts they have going on. AWESOME!


Victoria's Secret is also having a great sale and I had to stock up. Their bath and body products and 5/$30! Now, if they're $10 a piece...yes! I'm going to just buy 5 for $30! Their mango scent is incredible!

2) Today I am thankful for:    Our Savior, my husband, my job, family, warm coats, giggles and laughs, creativity, my co-workers, and the ribs our family gave us to cook up for dinner tonight! Yee-haw!

3) Money can't buy happiness. One thing that was free that made me happy was: watch the sunset over the mountains :) B-E-A-utiful! God is so good!

4) I will consider this week a success if I: finishing painting my dining room (I'm still slacking on finish all the favors, sign up a different gym to save some $$$, and I'm getting tired of the highlights I got a while back, I'm ready to have darker hair again!  :) Plus...I'm going to try a spray tan! Wish me luck!!!

5)One very funny thing I saw this week was: Have you ever tried painting little kids feet? TOO FUNNY! Molly saw this great idea for mothers day on Pinterest to make hearts out of two footprints with this poem:

How adorable is this?!

Painting their feet was too funny! They had a blast! It was a great time and we know their Moms will love these!

How about you? What's your up-date this week? What's new?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Goals

 Hey everyone! I've hopped on here to pop up a post real quick. I've started out May pretty well! Today I knocked out a two mile walk and an hour of ZUMBA! Let's hope my motivation stays to kick it into high fitness gear this month, just in time for summer (and the bathing suits!)

- walk at least 30 miles this month. Pup will be one happy boy! * So will I once I start seeing a change in my physique ;) 
- Zumba! Zumba! Zumba!

-save another $200 into the emergency fund
-have $300 set aside by the end of this month for when my sis comes to visit because we have some fun road trips planned! (NYC and Niagara Falls!)

-finish reading the book of Exodus
-Wake up earlier to start the day off with some Bible reading and prayer

- read 3 more books this month!
-blog at least weekly (I have been slacking)
-go shooting more often with the hubbs
-have a great time at our Vow Renewal at the latter part of the month
-soak up as much fun as I can with my mom and sister when they come to visit!

Woo-Whee! What a list!!! Wish me luck this month!

 What are some of your goals? I would love to hear about them!

April Wrap-Up

Hey everyone! Here is my wrap-up of my April goals. Lets see how I did!

-Start getting into shape for summer by walking the pup more Check! The weather is becoming beautiful here and the pup and I are getting into a walking schedule

-Yoga 3 times per week Fail. I did yoga randomly throughout the month. Probably less that 5 times in all. Oh well.

-Save at least $200 more into emergency fund Success!

-Start a regular prayer time daily I'm going to call this one a tie. I have started praying more often daily, but I haven't picked a time where I set aside 20+ minutes of alone in prayer or Bible reading everyday. 
-Find a home church SUCCESS!

-Finish reading the book of Genesis Check! I'm on my way through Exodus now!

-Read a whole book *Great Success* 3 whole books!
I read Fireproof, I had seen the movie and the book was great too.
 I read the Christian Atheist, which talks about how we need to stop claiming "Christian" (Christ LIKE), but live a separate way. The author is witty and down-to-earth. He hits on the hard issues and calls us to stand up and truly live out our faith, bringing honor to God! 
Last night I finished reading one of the best books I've ever read and I highly recommend to everyone: "Heaven is for Real". AWESOME, AWESOME book! True story of the Burpo family and their journey of almost losing their son, Colton, to a sudden illness that required emergency surgery. Then, in time, Colton starts to speak of his trip to Heaven and all the things he had seen and experienced. This book is for everyone to read. It is so incredible, it's very hard to put the book down and it's truly encouraging! Our God is SO AMAZING!

-Learn at least one new song on the piano Fail. I ALMOST learned all of Fur Elise, but I didn't complete it. Maybe this month! :)

This month went pretty well! How did you do on all your goals for April?