Saturday, January 5, 2013

Frugal Tip: Making Your Own Laundry Soap Mix

Say What?

Yes! You can make your own laundry soap mix! It's super easy, takes about 10mins, and I know it will last us for months!

After reading that one of my friends made their own laundry soap to save a few dollars, it motivated me to give it a try too.  Now, I knew laundry soap consisted of Borax and Baking Soda, but I found a recipe on Pinterest that sounded a little more appealing to me, again this is just the one I chose! There are many ways to make your own! I chose this one mainly because the pinners mentioned how CLEAN their clothes were and how FRESH their clothes smelled after.

After giving this my own try, I agree! My clothes are certainly clean and fresh!

For $20 I bought all the ingredients and made this HUGE batch of laundry soap. The best part, for a large load, you only put 2tbs of the mix into your wash! That's it!!! I'm guessing that this large batch will last me atleast eight months, maybe longer. $20 for eight months+? YES PLEASE!!! I usually buy the Arm and Hammer Clean Scent Liquid Detergent. $7 for a bottle that I can usually go through in three weeks; a month if I really stretch it out. So, having a great laundry soap that cuts my spending by a ton? YES PLEASE!!!

So, are you ready? It's easy! You can stop by Walmart and pick up all these items!

(NOTE: You will need a cheese grater also)

You will Need:

Cheese Grater ( I bought one specifically for this. Dollar Tree has them for just a buck!)
1 (4 lb 12 oz) Box of Borax
1 (3 lb 7 oz) Box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 (3 lb) Container of OxyClean
2 (14.1 oz) Bars of Fels Naptha Soap
1 (4 lb) Box of Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
1-2 (55 oz) Bottle of Purex Crystals Fabric Softener (I picked the purple kind)
Large bucket to mix it (I just used a storage tub)

How To:

First I poured in the Borax, Super Washing Soda, OxyClean, and Baking Soda. I shifted the tub around to mix the ingredients after I gave it a quick "stir" with a large wooden spoon.
Next, pour in the Purex Crystals.
The hardest part really is just grating the soap. It can get to be a pain, but it doesn't take too long if you keep at it. Just grate the soap on top of the laundry mix.
Give it another "shake and stir"


I put some of the mixture into the empty Purex Crystals bottle to keep by my washing machine, so I can store the large tub somewhere out of site. Mainly, out of the way so I don't trip on it! lol.
Again, it's just 1tbs for small/med loads and 2tbs for large/extra large loads. If you keep the Purex Crystals bottle, the lid can be your guide!

NOTE: For best results, fill washer with water and laundry soap mixture PRIOR to adding clothes. It will not harm your clothes, just for best results mix with the water prior! :)

I hope this inspired a few of you to give it a go! I'm glad I did!

Happy Saving!

I did not come up with this on my own! This came from a Pin on Pinterest.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Pregnancy Update!

Hey Bloggers,

   I'm in my 20th week of pregnancy and we are doing great! Praise the Lord!
My husband and I were blessed to find out that in May we will get to meet a beautiful baby girl, OUR baby girl!!! We are so deeply excited!

I want to start blogging about my pregnancy and feel like now would be a great time to start. Maybe some day my posts will help another mother-to-be.

I am starting a new exercise routine and I just finished it for the first time, and I have to say I'm feeling great. Now, this works for me, PLEASE don't ever over do yourself during pregnancy. If you are unsure ALWAYS ask your doctor if what you want to do is safe. It's not worth it to injury or harm yourself, or worse, your baby. Listen to your body and your baby to decide what works for you.

Mornings: Walk with Pup for 5 laps around the loop in our neighborhood; a little over a mile.
                   Prenatal Pilates: 2(10min) routines
                   Prenatal Yoga: Energizing sequence

Evening: Walk with Pup for 5 laps around the loop in our neighborhood
                Prenatal Yoga: Relaxation rountine
                Prenatal Yoga: Guided Meditation

I won't lie, I've not taken the best effort I could have as far as exercise thus far into my pregnancy, but my doctor says I am healthy, so I am going to start exercising now to be strong for birth.

Nutrition: I have been taking a prenatal vitamin throughout my entire pregnancy and it has worked really well for me. I haven't experienced nausea from it, and when my tests came back, my iron levels were great. It also has the 100% of the folic acid requirement for pregnant women. WIN!!!

I am trying to improve on the amount of water I drink. I have rarely been drinking any soda. Every now and then I will have a small glass (resulting in about 1/2 cup-1cup of soda). This is just my personal choice. It is few and far inbetween, and honestly, lately I haven't the taste for it. I prefer water, apple juice, or my all time favorite right now, MILK!!! I have never had a greater love for milk than now! Haha, our little one is getting her Calcium! (NOTE: Always be mindful of how much milk you are drinking, mainly due to the SUGAR content in milk. Have you ever noticed HOW MUCH SUGAR is in Milk?? Crazy.)

I am incorporating more and more veggies and fruits each week. This week has been difficult because I am craving sweets. I am trying not to give in too much, but somedays, like today, I just give in. Eh, some how chocolate cake just tastes better when pregnant. LOL
The only thing my doctor says I have to keep trying to get more of is protein. I do eat protein, steak here, chicken there, but I am not getting all that they wish me to get EVERYDAY. So, I'm adding eggs to my breakfast and chicken/turkey to my salads and making sure meat is the main ingredient in our dinners.

FYI: Cravings? Haha, yes. I've had some.
The first trimester I could ONLY stomach HOT/Spicy food. Thai and Mexican were constant. I remember going to a local Mexican restaurant 10mins before they closed and begged them for a burrito (this place is great you get to build your own with meat and veggies and HOT SAUCE lol) and for a quesadilla..that I ate for breakfast the next morning, with an EXTRA helping of hot salsa to dip it part, NO heartburn! WOO!
Second Trimester:
Now things get weird. I don't have regular cravings. It's things here and there. There were two weeks that I wanted NOTHING but Raisin Bran Crunch for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dessert. I can't tell you how many boxes I went through.
I also like mushrooms and sausage, not together, just in general. TWO Things I couldn't stand pre-pregnancy.

I can't fit in my jeans anymore, but after discovering maternity jeans, I may never go back to regular jeans... just saying... lol

I've gained 15 lbs and slowly increasing every week now. I am so happy and thankful that God is giving us a healthy baby girl!

I'm going to start posting more. I really miss blogging!

Baby girl is kicking my tummy right now! Time to go snack!!!

Ciao! Hope all of you are well!!!