Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Weekly Update: Lemonade and Office Space

Hey everyone!

The weather has been heating up around here, so it's time to break out the patio chairs and fill up our glasses with some good ol' homemade lemonade. Yum, yum!

I haven't gone to the gym in the last few days because I pulled a muscle, so I have been nursing that. I'm feeling pretty good today, so tomorrow I will start back up at the gym. Yoga still is my go to for my home workouts.

Here's my weekly check-up:

1) The most I've spent this last week was on bills and groceries! They sure add up sometimes. Meal planning has really helped cut down our grocery bill since we know what we will eat during the week, so we're not having food go to waste.

2) Today I am thankful for: my husband, our family, good friends, and most of all, our Loving Savior.

3) Money can't buy happiness. One free thing I did this this week that made me happy was: Read a really great book and I learned to play Fur Elise on the piano! Well..a good bit of it. Not done yet!

4) I will consider this week a success if I sell my wii and games; I never play it anymore and I'm building up our emergency fund again, so it would help. And, if I finish painting my dining room and kitchen!

5) One super funny thing I saw this week was: watching Office Space. I haven't seen this movie in years, and it still makes me laugh!
"Dang it feels good to be a gansta"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it feels good to be a gangsta! Love that movie.

    I am also thankful for our Savior! He is good!
